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Pregnancy Fact vs Fiction

Anyone who has been pregnant knows that as soon as you start showing a bump, the comments start. Along with the useful (albeit often unsolicited) advice can come a barrage of misinformation.


In my work as a Prenatal Educator I have heard some doozies! Here are 16 of the more common and bizarre myths and mistruths I have heard, coupled with the evidence-based information you can use to dispute them!


You can avoid stretch marks by using certain lotions or oils.


The occurrence of stretch marks is based on genetic predisposition and there’s no way to avoid them. The lotions or oils can sooth your skin if it’s sore or itchy, but they won’t stop the stretch marks. They will fade in time, but in the meantime you can try to think of them as a reminder of what your remarkable body was capable of doing.


If you don’t eat the food items you crave, you will go into premature labour.


Nice try, but no. However, sometimes our cravings are telling us of a nutritional need but try to think of that need in terms of what our evolutionary ancestors had available to eat- for example, if you are craving ice cream it could be your body telling you it needs the vitamins and antioxidants from some sweet berries… not a tub of Haagen Daz.


Reaching your arms above your head will cause miscarriage.


There is very little that you could ever do within normal daily movements that could cause a miscarriage. Not only is this myth causing excessive worry in pregnancy, but it also perpetuates the ‘blame culture’ around miscarriage, which needs to stop.


If the cord is around baby’s neck on ultrasound you must schedule a c-section.


1-in-3 babies have the cord around the neck (called a ‘nuchal cord’) during vaginal births, and they experience no complications from it. They either slip through it during the birth, or the birth attendant slips it over their head before they slide out. It used to be thought that nuchal cords would require c-sections but in most cases it doesn’t. If, during the labour, the cord is preventing the baby from moving down (like a bungee) or the baby is in distress, then a c-section can be done at that time.


Everyone needs an episiotomy on their first birth.


Most people do NOT need an episiotomy, first birth or otherwise. The perineum is remarkably elastic, and will stretch to allow the baby out, often with no tear, or only a minor one (that is less extensive than an episiotomy). It is vital at the time of crowning that the birth attendant provides gentle support to the perineum and guidance of how to breathe, and that no one is pushing on your belly, forcing the baby out faster. Simply put, we have been having babies for far longer than we have had scissors, and the human vagina evolved to birth a human baby.


Sex during pregnancy will cause miscarriage, or damage the baby by poking it.Sex during pregnancy will cause miscarriage, or damage the baby by poking it.


Nope again, it won’t cause risk to the pregnancy… and sorry guys but your penis just isn’t that long.


You should prepare your nipples daily in pregnancy by roughing them up with a washcloth or toothbrush so that they become tougher for breastfeeding.


Ouch! No, this is not helpful, and would be painful! The only thing that you can do to prevent nipple damage in breastfeeding is using the correct latching technique. You can prepare for this by taking a class that covers correct latching technique and contact a Lactation Specialist for a one-on-one consultation if you are having trouble (full disclosure, I provide both of these services).


The baby is born with gills in its neck that close at birth, and that’s why they can breathe in the amniotic fluid like fish.


No… the baby is not using its lungs yet inside of you, and all their oxygen needs come via the blood in the placenta and umbilical cord (This one required my best poker face when I heard it from an enquiring husband).


Rubbing your belly will give your baby hiccups, and hiccups cause distress in the unborn baby.


Hiccups are a normal part of the fetal development, and nothing you do on the outside cause them. Sometimes (very rarely) babies who are in distress will hiccup, but hiccups do not cause distress. There’s no need to worry about fetal hiccups unless your baby is moving less than usual. On that note…


It’s normal for the baby to move less as you near full term.


Your baby will have less room to move, so the kicks might feel more muted, but you will still feel them with the same frequency. Contact your doctor or midwife if you are feeling less movement than usual.


If you itch a certain spot on your body continuously during pregnancy your baby will have a birthmark in that spot.


Do I really have to debunk this one?


You shouldn’t eat or drink cold foods while pregnant.


This is traditional advice in many cultures, however it is not medically or scientifically true. You can eat or drink hot or cold as you like in pregnancy, just make sure the food and water are safe to consume. You can see why, however, in a time before the knowledge of bacteria existed, the understanding to heat food and drink (thereby incidentally killing bacteria) came about, and so the tradition was formed.


If you are angry or upset during pregnancy, toxins will go into your blood and poison the baby.


It’s not quite that simplified, and the baby is not ‘poisoned’ by one angry fight with your partner. However, there is a correlation with continued excessive stress or anxiety in pregnancy to poorer pregnancy and fetal outcomes. It is important to speak with your doctor, and request a psychological consultation, if you are feeling that stress or anxiety are impacting your life.


Exercise in pregnancy is dangerous.


Exercise in pregnancy, in every trimester (unless prohibited for a specific reason by your doctor) is not only encouraged for you, but it results in the birth of healthier babies.


You can’t dye your hair while pregnant.


Hair dyes are not toxic to the fetus. You might find, however, that the fumes in a hair salon can be nauseating due to your altered hormones, and so looking for a place with good ventilation is useful.


Pregnant women can’t keep pet cats.


This one is due to a fear of acquiring a toxoplasmosis infection in pregnancy, however toxoplasmosis is not carried on the cat themselves but in their poop. You can avoid changing the litter box if possible (win!) or simply change it wearing gloves and wash your hands well afterwards. Research shows that most toxoplasmosis infections are acquired from unwashed vegetables anyway, so give the cats a break already!

PHEW, that was a lot. And whilst hearing this sort of misinformation from friends, family or colleagues can be funny, it is incredibly frustrating to hear this sort of unscientific information from your medical team.


This is why at Am-Sino International Women’s Health we are unwaveringly committed to providing you with evidence-based pregnancy information.

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At Am-Sino International Women’s Health and Birth Center, we pride ourselves on providing compassionate, comprehensive, and culturally sensitive care to women of all ages. 


Our bilingual team of experienced obstetricians and gynecologists offers a full spectrum of services, from routine health check-ups and prenatal care to advanced treatments for complex gynecological conditions. 


In our comforting birth center, we strive to create a safe, supportive, and personalized environment for you to welcome your baby, respecting your choices and preferences throughout your birth journey. 


From adolescence to menopause, and from contraception to parenthood, we prioritize individualized care, empowering you to take control of your health, wellness, and reproductive journey.

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9:00 – 17:00 Monday to Saturday